
Here, you can find out more about all our one-to-one tutorials, and take the first step towards booking in once you’ve found the right service for you.

Our illustration, story, design, and fiction tutorials are created with you in mind, so please don’t hesitate to ask if you need help deciding which tutorial - or package of sessions - is best suited to you. What’s more, as we have a host of industry experts available to host your tutorial, we’re able to match you to a tutor based on the work you send us in the enquiry phase. We aim for our tutorials to cover every aspect of creating a children’s book – so if you can’t see what you’re looking for, please do get in touch!

Illustration tutorial

Illustration of a mug filled with scissors, pens, pencils and a paintbrush.

Ideal for those looking for guidance and professional advice on their illustration work, this one-to-one illustration tutorial offers detailed verbal feedback on all manner of topics – from your use of material to understanding of colour, your technical drawing skills, character design, world building, and advice on dummy books. In short, we’ll give practical and actionable advice, and help you set targets to achieve your goals.

  • With Ness, Maisie, Katie or Tor – find out more about our tutors here

  • 60 minutes, plus tutor preparatory work and recorded feedback

  • Hosted via Zoom

“This tutorial gave me the kick up the bum I needed!”

Story tutorial

Illustration of a ladybird in a party hat sitting atop of a dandelion.

If you’re looking for feedback on your picture book manuscript, a one-to-one story tutorial is for you! Designed to look at areas like plot, narrative, pacing, and character development, this tutorial can also offer advice and tips on pitching to agents and publishers.

  • With Mariesa or Ramona – find out more about our tutors here

  • 30 minutes (which you are welcome to record), plus tutor preparatory work

  • Includes individual written feedback

  • Hosted via Zoom

“I really liked how honest, encouraging and clear the tutorials were.”

Design tutorial

Illustration of an orange elephant balancing atop of a pencil.

Created for those looking for guidance relating specifically to the design aspects of children’s books, this one-to-one design tutorial can cover layouts, composition, book covers, pacing, and much more besides. Equally, this one-to-one session can also be used to review the content of your website or online portfolio. Wherever you need design guidance, Ness is here to help!

  • With Ness – find out more about our tutors here

  • 60 minutes, plus tutor preparatory work and recorded feedback

  • Hosted via Zoom

“I feel very inspired about everything we spoke about. I’d love to catch up with you in a few weeks.”

Picture book tutorial package

Illustration of a mouse in a pinafore dress holding a pencil.

If you have a picture book idea or dummy book that you’d like feedback on, it’s possible that all three of the above tutorials will be useful for you! With that in mind, we’ve created this picture book package to ensure you’ve got all the advice you need, covering illustration, story and design.

  • With a good handful of our talented Orange Beak team  – find out more about our tutors here

  • A bespoke package, that looks at your needs on an individual basis

  • Hosted via Zoom

Fiction tutorial

Illustration of a mouse sat next to a banana.

Created for those writing young fiction, chapter books, or middle grade, this  tutorial will give you an editorial overview of how to move your children’s fiction project forward with clear professional guidance.

  • With Mariesa or Ramona – find out more about our tutors here

  • 60 minutes (which you are welcome to record), plus tutor preparatory work

  • Includes written editorial feedback

  • Hosted via Zoom

“The session was highly interactive, and Mariesa’s insights regarding tone of voice, tempo, and character personality were particularly helpful.”

Tutorial cancellation policy

The date and time of your tutorial will be mutually agreed between yourself and the tutor. To cancel or rearrange a tutorial, we require that you give a minimum of five days notice. Failure to provide the required notice, or attend the session at the agreed time, will result in you forfeiting any payments made for the session.